
The Paediatric Department strives to provide high-quality, cost-effective care for all paediatric conditions, from newborns to children and adolescents. We advocate the prevention of all vaccine-preventable diseases like hepatitis, tuberculosis, poliomyelitis, haemophilus influenza B, diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, measles, mumps, rubella etc. through appropriate immunization recommendations.

The Paediatric Department also deals with various acute childhood diseases, like upper and lower respiratory tract infections, acute diarrheal diseases, and all types of febrile illnesses with or without rashes. Chronic diseases like asthma and allergic disorders are also managed accordingly.

We provide comprehensive childcare with complete evaluation and holistic treatment to all children and adolescents, emphasizing proper growth and development with a focus on nutrition and immunization. The evaluation includes all childhood illnesses, growth monitoring, the development of speech with other developmental milestones, psychosocial problems like attention deficit disorders, other learning disabilities, etc. Appropriate advice and counselling are also provided when required, with referral to higher centers for further investigation and management, if necessary.

Our paediatricians usually take a detailed history of the child’s complaints from the mother or any care-giver and clinically diagnoses after a proper systemic physical examination. Lab investigations are done when indicated. All ailments that can be treated in an outpatient setting are treated here, and severe cases that cannot be managed are referred to the appropriate tertiary centres for further evaluation and treatment.

Health education is given to mothers and other care-givers regarding the growth and development of the child with special emphasis on the prevention of diseases by immunization and other hygienic measures. Good nutrition awareness and prevention of malnutrition are also part of health education, including under nutrition leading to deficiency disorders and over nutrition leading to overweight and obesity which can result in lifestyle diseases in future.

We offer all minor procedures such as injections, fluid therapy, nebulization and other possible emergency measures.


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